We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the success of this collaboration and made the subsequent publication possible - the participating students (Coline Béguet, Qingyun Cai, Sandra Abdulhaková, Larissa Jessica Friedrich & Veronika Vidovičová), our professor Dr. Nico Carpentier, and in particular, the Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University, and the MARS (Media and Area Studies) Department. We would also like to thank you, the viewers for taking the time to look and read through this virtual exhibition. It is the fruit of our collaborative work, our different backgrounds, and a mutual keenness to visually and justly translate this significant event in the Bosnian history. And finally, our thanks for to Veronika Vidovičová, whom without, we would not have been able to justly translate the traumas preceding the Dayton Accords and thus, would not have been able to create this work, and Coline Béguet who created the website and brought this exhibition to life. In the end, we hope you have enjoyed the exhibition.
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